Flight Planning Practice Exams


Four premium ATPL Flight Planning exams that have been specifically designed to give you the best opportunity to prepare and pass the CASA exam. The style and complexity of our questions closely represent what you will experience in your CASA exam.

What makes our exams uniquely different from others is that our practice exams include a comprehensive, personalised debrief for each of your practice exams to allow you to revise, repeat and address any areas that need attention prior to your CASA exam. We strongly believe that this feature, combined with our high-quality questions, makes our exams the best in Australia.

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Four premium ATPL Flight Planning exams that have been specifically designed to give you the best opportunity to prepare and pass the CASA exam. The style and complexity of our questions closely represent what you will experience in your CASA exam.

What makes our exams uniquely different from others is that our practice exams include a comprehensive, personalised debrief for each of your practice exams to allow you to revise, repeat and address any areas that need attention prior to your CASA exam. We strongly believe that this feature, combined with our high-quality questions, makes our exams the best in Australia.

Four premium ATPL Flight Planning exams that have been specifically designed to give you the best opportunity to prepare and pass the CASA exam. The style and complexity of our questions closely represent what you will experience in your CASA exam.

What makes our exams uniquely different from others is that our practice exams include a comprehensive, personalised debrief for each of your practice exams to allow you to revise, repeat and address any areas that need attention prior to your CASA exam. We strongly believe that this feature, combined with our high-quality questions, makes our exams the best in Australia.

These four premium exams have been specifically designed to give you the best opportunity to prepare and pass the CASA exam. The style and complexity of our questions closely represent what you will experience in your CASA exam, and cover all areas of required aeronautical knowledge from the Manual of Standards Unit 1.10.2 for ATPL Flight Planning.

What makes our exams uniquely different from others is that our practice exams include a comprehensive, personalised debrief of your exam to allow you to revise, repeat and address any areas that need attention prior to your CASA exam. We strongly believe that this feature, combined with our high-quality questions, makes our exams the best in Australia. After you have completed your practice exam please email your workings to exams@atpl-theory.com.au to receive individualised feedback on your exam performance from one of our instructors. This technique has proven successful in giving our students confidence in their ability to accurately answer every question in their CASA exam. 

ATPL Theory recommends that you only attempt these exams after completing your ATPL Flight Planning studies to ensure that you get the most from each practice exam. We also suggest replicating the exam environment as closely as possible whilst completing these exams. The CASA exam contains both multi-choice and short answer questions. ATPL Theory’s exams require a short answer input to enable us to best provide feedback on your answers and methods of calculation.

When submitting your working to ATPL Theory please ensure that each question is clearly marked and the documents correctly orientated to allow us to provide detailed feedback. Each practice exam will receive one complete debrief only, with answers are located at the end of each exam should you wish to self-mark your exam. Our solutions have been found using the methods and calculation techniques described in The Australian Air Transport Pilot Licence (Aeroplane) Examination Information Book. Please note that at the time of publishing all airways and routes are correct, however charts are updated from time to time. We will publish any chart changes via email.